AG1000 | Planetary gear unit for stepper motors
Beckhoff offers special planetary gears for Stepper Motors in order to increase the torque or to improve the inertia ratio.
Stepper Motors whose flanges have dimensions of 56 mm or above can be fitted with low-play planetary gears.
If the planetary gear is ordered along with the Stepper Motor, the combination of motor and gear is delivered fully assembled.
手機: (就是手機號)
技術參數 AS1050-0xyz AS1060-wxyz
額定輸出電流 24…50 V DC
額定電流 (每相) 5.0 A
止轉轉矩 1.2 Nm 5.0 Nm
繞組電阻 (每相) 0.28 Ω 0.36 Ω
繞組電感 (每相) 0.86 mH 2.80 mH
轉子慣量 0.36 kg cm2 3.0 kg cm2
分辨率 1.8°/200 全步
外形尺寸 (r x 長度) 56 mm x 75 mm 86 mm x 97 mm
重量 1.00 kg 2.85 kg
總線端子模塊 KL2541
訂貨信息 AG1000-+PM52.x 到 AS1030/AS1050 AG1000-+PM81.x 到 AS1060
額定轉矩 4 Nm 20 Nm
加速轉矩 6 Nm 30 Nm
齒輪背隙 ≤ 0.7° ≤ 0.5°
大徑向負載 200 N 400 N
繞組電感 (每相) 9.50 mH 9.50 mH 3.80 mH
轉子慣量 0,056 kg cm2 0.074 kg cm2 0.21 kg cm2
分辨率 1.8°/200 全步
外形尺寸 (r x 長度) 42 mm x 39 mm 42 mm x 48 mm 56 mm x 53 mm
重量 0.31 kg 0.39 kg 0.68 kg
總線端子模塊 KL2531 KL2531/KL2541 KL2531