平衡閥SBVE-R1 / 2是用于降低降壓應用中控制負載降低和速度控制的直接作用筒閥。
腔R1 / 2“Qmax = 30l / min Pmax = 350巴
工作壓力:大 350吧
設定壓力:大 420吧
標稱流量:大 100 l / min(SBVE08021為30 l / min)
開啟壓力:從2號到1號1 bar(SBVE08021)
控制體積:SBVE08021 0.05cm?
SBVE16021 0.20厘米3
暴露表面鍍鋅鎳鍍層以增加腐蝕保護(1.000小時鹽霧試驗) - 可選版本04
HYDAC counterbalance valves are directacting poppet valves with integrated check valve which enable smooth action of loads if there are retracting and extending loads. In load-holding applications, it can be used as a hose-break valve.
To raise a load, flow is permitted from pump port 2 to load port 1 via the built-in check valve.
To hold the load, the check valve piston is pressed against its seat by the load pressure at port 1 and seals leakage-free (control port 3 must be unpressurized!).
To lower the load, pressure is applied to port 3 which controls the valve.
Therefore the load cannot speed ahead because the load flow rate is controlled at the metering edge of the control piston according to the load's inlet pressure.
A limitation of the load pressure is alos included - here the load pressure at port 1 acts on a ring surface against the force of the adjustment spring. When the spring force is exceeded, the control piston moves away from the check valve piston, and this opens the flow path from port 1 to 2.
手機: (同)