上海乾拓貿易有限公司 :楊江玲 企業QQ:2880626083 手 機:() 電 話:-8012 郵箱;@163.com 地址:上海市嘉定區江橋嘉涌路6號樓713室 It can also be converted to a remote air operated valve 220/50 通電: 5-11ms 斷電: 5-11ms 線圈及泄漏量 A級防塵防線圈,如需防護等級為IP65請與工廠確認; 泄漏量100cm3/min 57D-16-120EA:兩位三通,管接式電磁閥,1“BSPP,AC220V,防爆型 常開:1”(17.4Cv),1/2”(10Cv) ;3/4”(13.7Cv) 食品醫療、城建環保、給排水、采暖空調、消防安全、科研、節能產業等各個領域。 壓力范圍:0~2.5MPa 安裝方式 管接 接線方式:接線座式;引線式;插頭式。 by removing the solenoid pilot assembly - just to name a few. 功能 2/2--3/2 常開常閉 (which means this large 3-way valve can also be ordered with the 200 series 電壓范圍 正常電壓的-15%到+10% 功耗 1.0W-24W;Inrush:33VA Holding:19.7VA 二位三通電磁閥為雙線圈控制,一個線圈瞬間通電后關閉電源、閥打開, Hazardous Location version as a pilot - giving it the same standard). 溫度范圍:-50~(+120、+200)。 介質粘度:小于50C St(大于時需定制)。 防護性能:防塵、防水、防爆。根據工況選擇。 2. It can be changed from a Normally Closed function to a Normally Open function 可以長時間保持關閉或打開狀態,能使線圈壽命更長。 接囗尺寸 1/2” -3/4”-1” The MAC 57 Series is a 3-way balanced spool valve piloted by our 200 series 流量(大) 14.7 Cv 另一個線圈瞬間通電后關閉電源、閥關閉。 反應時間 24VDC(8.5W): 通電: 9ms 斷電:4.8ms 連接方式:法蘭、焊接、內螺紋(外螺紋和特殊接口可定做或加轉接頭)。 This is an extremely versatile valve: 1. It can be converted for use in vacuum. 在高溫管道中使用佳。它廣泛應用于冶金、石化、制藥、煙草、 介質 壓縮空氣,真空或惰性氣體 壓力范圍 外先導:真空到150PSI; 內先導:25到150PSI 流量 常閉:1”(15.9Cv),1/2”(9.0Cv);3/4”(12.7Cv) by simply rotating a function plate between the pilot and the main valve bodies.